Monday 15 September 2008

Wayne Rooney Advert Analysis

There is some kind of light on this picture because red paint or blood is shining, Camera looks straight on him, and Model is Wayne Rooney England’s recent talent- associated with success that not wearing clothing, shows confidence just paint and the pictures been done in studio. This picture looks really success, and he looks like hooligan who supported to England. He’s home nation is England, he is a famous football player and he looks like he just won something.

1 comment:

City College Norwich Media said...

Hi Seb, For project one you need to write a written report that answers the following questions:

You need to investigate what messages and values the advertising industry sends out to young people and whether you think that these messages and values put young people under too much pressure to be beautiful, thin etc. Your results must be written on your blog. Try to find one TV advert and one print advert that you think play on some young people's insecurities. Disuss the two adverts with friends and family and write down their thoughts; alternatively you can video or record their thoughts onto MP3 players and upload onto your blog.